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2050 A.D. (Android Domain)​​


On past events, I used to reflect,

And wonder where they've gone.

Of days I've walked down country lanes,

And, basked out in the sun,

But since the war all that’s been lost,

And mankind is no more.

Amid the blood, the sweat and tears,

A metallic race was born.


My wife and I are the last of man.

We've lived, laughed and cried.

We've watched and fought the Holocaust,

Despaired as nature died...

Android replicant's now ruled the earth,

They caused the downfall of man.

The servers now the ones being served,

Residing in their tin cans!


Robotic laws, where nothing grows,

Self-perpetuating mechanical rule;

Android domain, the name of the game,

Created by metallic tyrannical fools...

Whilst humans have lost their worth,

So against them, we must fend.

To try and recreate, man's rebirth,

Against the new age - metal men.

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