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For My First Love


Ma'am! You are the one that is too kind. 
I'm just a mere serf in the company of nobility. 
A court jester that's here only to bring joy
And laughter into the lives of others

Whilst mine is like tattered cloth
Flapping, in the winds of destiny, 
A seer of other people's futures,
But not of my own, I am who I am,
And nothing more! A convenience
For other people's entertainment,
A fool amongst many, regretful for all
That came to pass. Hurting for all that is yet to be.


A hound with no quarry to chase, 
Empty, from years of not caring!
Devoid of anything apart from my words,
My life insecure and wanting, waiting
For that which will be never be known? 
And so into this world was born.
A knave to be scorned! Rejected and returned,
To be ousted in love yet again

This is the way it has been,
And so it will be for all of eternity, 
And these are my words of truth. 
Oh Angela, once, I loved you!

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