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Poverty Trap


I'm tired and upset, my life seems a waste.

I just can't find a friendly face.

Sitting here in a state of depression,

Brought about, by this countries recession.

There's nothing here! No work there;

Nobody really seems to care.


You go down to the dole, a paper to sign,

You take your place, at the back of the line.

When at last, you reach the desk;

Again you hear a familiar request.

"What have you done to find a job!?"

And they glare at you, as though you're a slob.


Your giro arrives pretty soon it's spent;

On food and bills while they find the rent.

There is a famine, of a different kind.

And there's nothing left, to ease one’s mind;

Life should be full, but it's so empty.

Living in this so called, land of plenty!


The governments promises, soon turned to lies;

They don't listen, to the unemployed cries.

Or the displaced people, in cardboard city!

Who shows them, any respect or pity?

Homeless and hungry; is the new age cry.

While the powers that be, just walk on by.


Crime's on the increase; as money gets tight.

And its sod you Jack, because I'm alright!

Young kids getting drunk, and partaking of dope;

With no future ahead, a sobering thought.

When will, the government wake up and see;

The destruction that's caused by poverty.


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