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The Greenman


He stands there, tall and majestic,

In his livery of green and brown.

With his head, held high in the clouds.

His feet, firmly planted in the ground.

With the burdens of life on his shoulders,

From which, there'll be no rest.

And the love for all things natural,

Burns fiercely within his breast.


He's the essence of the seasons,

He brings rain, sun and snow.

From him, the druids gained wisdom,

Which enabled mankind to grow.

Endowed with mystical authority,

From conception through to birth.

And for time eternal he will be,

The sentinel for mother earth.


His name, has long been forgotten,

And the Celtic gods are no more.

But his wonders, are still around us,

In the skies, and valley floors.

His home, is in the greenwoods,

His body, the mighty Oak tree.

And the spirit of the Greenman,

Still lives on, In you and me.


We're all, the Greenman's children,

Like the flowers, birds and trees.

We are of the highest order,

In his plans of creativity.

So no more, shall we plunder nature,

Taking, without any return.

 To re-establish the natural balance,

Should be mankind's main concern!


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